Saturday, 30 June 2007

Day 15

Well the last day is over and the last exam taken and passed. This is the last evening here and I'm returning to the UK tomorrow evening. This afternoon a few of us went into Atlanta to see the Georgia Aquarium and The World of Coke. The aquarium was big and interesting. The World of Coke was more a case of pay $15 and see our advertising, though you do get to taste some of the more interesting flavors that Coke produce around the world.

The last exam, 70-549, put some of the previous ideas into practice and introduced new ones. On the whole it wasn't so bad. Most people have left already and the last of them are leaving in the morning on internal flights, so by the afternoon I'll be the last to leave as I'm on an international and with all the stuff going on should make for an interesting 12-14 hours travel if the plane leaves on time.

It has been a good time and I've met some interesting people and had a good few laughs. Hopefully we'll keep in touch for a while via an online group and exchange ideas about how we can put all into practice what we've learnt over the past two weeks and add it to the experience we already have.

As I'm off home tomorrow this will be the last entry from here and I expect the next post will be in the middle of the week as I'm starting a new job on Tuesday.

Friday, 29 June 2007

Day 14

A slightly shorter day today getting ready for the final exam tomorrow morning (8am if anyone is interested).

The experience has been great and the time and money invested worthwhile. Though on a cautious note I would suggest that anyone thinking of doing this would need a fair bit of real world experience and some in-depth knowledge, possibly outside there current work environment. What I mean by that is that if you just program UI then you'll need to have an understanding of both the business and data layers. You'll need to be prepared to work hard and absorb lots of information in a short space of time.

Having seen some of the course on SQL2005 I would recommend it and especially as our instructor, Chester Flake who no doubt will become a legend at CED, is taking it, it will cover the subject matter and more with all the enthusiasm that he has shown over the past two weeks.

Well after the storm that blew through last night today has been warm and sunny, up to the mid 90's.

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Day 13

Well almost there. Today was the test on 70-549, which I passed though I didn't feel that comfortable about it as I found some of the security a bit difficult to get my head round.

There is a big storm passing through here at the moment but the rest of the day has been good with the temperature up in the 90's.

Going to visit the Atlanta Aqurarium before I leave as I figure whilst I am here I might as well do it and the flight back doesn't leave til gone 9pm on Sunday. Oh the joys of the overnight flight back to the UK :(

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Day 12

Sorry about that but I had the days totally mixed up and yesterday was day 11. Today was a lot of practical to do with WSE 3.0. Some of the practicals in the book required some additional parts to make them work plus some figuring out as to what they were trying to acheive.

In the problem areas Flake stepped up to the mark and resolved our issues and answered our questions.

Tomorrow is another day :)

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Day 6 - 12

Sorry about the lack of postings. Been rather busy :)

It is the final stages of the bootcamp and it has all gone rather quickly. I would recommend CED and if you get a chance check out the instructor before you get here. The one we have is Chester Flake and he keeps the classes light, fast and informative. I know he does other classes (SQL etc).

If you are prepared for the time you need to put in then it is great and I think it was good for me to get away from everything and concentrate on the camp. Some here have work related issues to deal with in the evenings and get calls from work they have to deal with.

As for the progress it's three down two to go! Passed 70-536, 70-528 and 70-526. There is another exam on Thursday the 70-529 followed a few days afterwards with 70-549. Looks like some more late nights and early mornings.

More study tonight.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Day 4 and 5

I meant to post last night but we had just started a new module and there was a lot to get through and as always some reading and labs in the afternoon.

Today wasn't to bad though the Serialization takes a bit of time to get your head round if you never used it before.

Monday, 18 June 2007

Day 2 and 3

That's Sunday and Monday over with :) So far it has been fast paced and very informative.

There is the first exam tomorrow morning so some last minute cramming tonight. Hopefully it will go well be who knows with these things until you actually sit there in front of the test.

Last night was a late finish at 11:30pm and a 7:15am start this morning, I'm going to get off earlier tonight as there is no point in getting too tired and not remembering anything. After the test it is straight back to class to start on the next section which is 70-536 Application Development Foundation. Oh what an exciting life :)

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Day 1

Day 1 over and it is now Sunday morning. Up late last night reading, taking practice tests and labs. Though to be fair the labs took last place.

Enjoyable day - lots of information to take in. So now onto Day 2 and some more of 70-526.

As it is Sunday it is a late start and early finish from class - still lots to do back in the room for the rest of the day (see above).

The schedule for Moday thru Friday looks pretty brutal to be honest, 8am starts and 6pm finishes with reading and practice in the evenings so I'm guessing on a 14-15 hour day for the next two weeks.

Sleep who needs it - well I think you do as there is little point in getting chronic fatigue and not concentrating in class.

Well more reading and tests to do before class starts this morning.

Friday, 15 June 2007

Arrived in Atlanta

Well, the time is finally here. I arrived in Atlanta this afternoon and the orientation is tomorrow morning at 8am and the class starts at 9am.

The first module is 70-526 Window Development. Looking forward to it but need to get some sleep as there is a -5 hour time difference from the UK to the US and with all the hassles of security at both airports.

May need to get some revision in tonight but first a shower after all the travelling.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Web-Based Client Development 70-528

I've just started on the Training Kit for 70-528, above is a link to the errata for the book.

Not long to go now till the start of the bootcamp and I finish work on Friday and have a week off before the camp. Lots of study to get through.