Thursday, 24 May 2007

My Birthday

It's my birthday today!!

Enough of the celebrations already. Plowing through 70-529 last night and this morning and 'enjoying' the symantics of the SOAP header, envelope etc.

The course dates that seemed some time away are approaching rapidly and I'm realizing that even though I thought I would be well prepared, having used .Net since it's original Beta 1 public release there is so much to the Framework that I haven't even looked at. Oh well more long nights of study ahead.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Getting Forgetful

It happened this week, something that I had said I would try and avoid at all costs - I forgot someones birthday!! With the study and work I thought I had plenty of time to sort out some arrangement for their birthday but suddenly it was that day and I had done nothing.

So sorry to you (you know who you are) :( and hopefully see you in Atlanta in a couple of weeks :)

The study is going well - though I did find the use of UML and ORM a bit daunting at first as I hadn't had to think about those kind of things for a number of years.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

svchost.exe going mad CPU maxed

I have an issue with the following file, svchost.exe, going mad and using 100% CPU. It looks as though it occurred after a recent Windows update. I have turned off automatic updates and installed the hotfix mentioned below and the 'error' seems to have cleared itself, though not on the first restart.

Friday, 4 May 2007


I have just found the errata pages for the MCTS 70-536 self paced training kit it runs to two!! pages so you might want to check out which edition you have.

Here is the link

Just a short update this morning I'll post more later on. Looking forward to the weekend as we have a holiday here on Monday so should be able to get two days of study in.

Thursday, 3 May 2007


I have started the study, lots to take in. As there aren't that many days till the course it looks as it will be a busy time as there is a lot to read up on and examples to run. Still have to fit in work and life.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007


I had signed up for a bootcamp with CED Solutions in Atlanta GA and the books arrived today. The exams are Exam 70–526, Exam 70–536, Exam 70–528, Exam 70-529 and Exam 70–549

Should be fun :) now have to work out my study schedule.